ehsas kafalat program

Ehsas Kafalat Program Registration

ehsas kafalat program

In Pakistan, the Ehsas Kafalat program is a crucial social welfare program initiated by the PTI government. The main goal of this initiative by ehsaas program is to alleviate poverty in the country. It aims to provide financial help to vulnerable families and help them in combating poverty.

Thousands of beneficiaries have relied on this program for support, and the program continues to grow with new registrations pouring in. In this era of technology, the program has rolled out an online registration system, streamlining the application process. Now, eligible families can easily access the support they rightfully deserve, making it a piece of cake for them.

What is Ehsaas Kafalat?

The Ehsas Kafalat Program is a poverty reduction scheme that empowers the lower society of Pakistan. This program is now available online, making it easy for people to sign up or register and see if they are eligible. You only need a valid CNIC number to register online. Once you’re registered, you can receive financial aid from the government to improve your life.

It is the best way for the government to ensure that only those who are the most vulnerable get support from this program. The CNIC check feature helps in the quick determination of eligibility. In this way, it saves people from a lengthy application process.

The government of Pakistan also provide health insurance to eligible people through this program. It’s a promising move in the direction of Pakistan’s progress. It ensures that people experiencing poverty also get medical facilities to improve their standard of living.

ehsaas kafalat program cash

Ehsas Kafalat program Online Registration Process:

This is not a complex process, but the lower end of society usually finds it difficult to apply for ehsaas kafalat prograam online registration. You just need to follow this easy process given below to register yourself.

  • First of all, please click on this link, “Online Registration”.
  • Secondly, provide all the requirements in the form.
  • Lastly, submit the application.

Ehsaas Kafalat Program app:

Recently, the ehsaas app was launched for easy registration to the program. You can also check other scholarships, Rashan rayat and many other schemes. Simply download the app and create a profile. Fill in your credentials and apply for the ehsaas kafalat program 12000.

Ehsaas Kafalat Program CNIC Check Online:

The government is trying to help lower segments of society like widows, orphans, and the poor. Anyone who is under the poverty line can check CNIC online by visiting ehsaas kafalat nadra gov pk or send an SMS to 8171.

 The steps to follow are:

  • Visit ehsas kifalat official website
  • Provide your original CNIC 13-digit number
  • Click on the Submit button
  • You will see your name, your father’s name, district, etc. If you’re registered in Ehsas Kifalat.
  • By clicking on “Payment Status”, you can check your payment status.

How To Get Ehsaas Kafalat Card?

Beneficiaries of the kafala program can receive their money through the essays kafala card. Their monthly or quarterly financial assistance is transferred to their account of kafalat card. Before you proceed with your card application, verify that you have completed your NSER survey.

After completing the survey, go to your nearest ehsaas registration center and ask to apply for a kafala card at the registration desk. You will get a form where you will provide your information and attach your documents. The documents include your ID card, income certificate, and passport-size photo.

After that, you will do a biometric verification at the registration center. To make verification successful, make sure your thumb is clean. Your application process is done now. When your application is approved, you will be notified with a message. After that, you can receive your Benazir kafala card at the nearest Ehsaas center.

Biometric Verification Problems:

Many people, especially senior citizens and laborers, face biometric verification failure because their fingerprints fade or are roughed with advancement in age and hard work. To do successful verification, use the measures described below.

  • Please wash your hands with soap and clean them with a towel that contains furs.
  • Putting oil is a second way you can use it.
  • If neither of the above methods works, use liquid paraffin for better results.
  • Lastly, it would help if you visited the Nadra office to resolve your issue.

Banks Involved In Program:

In order to provide financial aid to the beneficiaries, the Government of Pakistan takes services from banks such as the National Bank Of Pakistan(NBP), United Bank Limited(UBL), and Habib Bank Limited(HBL). 

State Bank Of Pakistan(SBP) helps the government in connecting banks. The government has also collaborated with mobile wallets like JazzCash And Easypaisa. So beneficiaries can receive their cash without any discomfort.

Ehsas Kafalat Program 12000/14000 installment:

According to the program, eligible families can get 12000 PKR 4 times a year. So, they can get their money after every 3 months. “The previous amount has now been raised to 14,000 by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif.

Beneficiaries Of Ehsaas Kafalat Prograam:

Ehsaas kafalat beneficiaries are the people who are eligible for the program. People throughout the country can avail of this program. The program basically covers the lower group of the society. Here are some beneficiaries of the program:

targets of ehsaas kafalat program
  1. Widows.
  2. Orphans.
  3. Disabled person.
  4. Individuals under the poverty line.
  5. Family with no adult male member.
  6. Low-incomed households.
  7. Marginalized groups.
  8. Vulnerable individuals of society.

How to withdraw Ehsas Kafalat Program 14000 Cash?

Anyone who successfully received ehsaas kafalat money in their bank account can withdraw the money from the ATM of HBL or Bank Alfalah. To withdraw your ehsaas kafalat cash, follow this simple process:

  • Go to your nearest ATM.
  • Press the” green” button on the machine.
  • Select a language, Engish or Urdu.
  • Click the option “Ehsaas Kafalat” on the screen.
  • Enter your CNIC number.
  • Scan your thumb on the thumb impression bar.
  • Select your amount and click on withdraw.
  • Pick up your cash from the Money Box.
  • Must keep in mind to remove the next transaction and account before you leave the ATM.

Ehsaas Kafalat Program Complaint Center:

Dr. Sania Nishtar, head of the ehsaas program, has launched a complaint portal. If you are facing any difficulty regarding the program or if any worker is misbehaving with you, you can make a complaint at and fill bisp application form. After making a complaint, you will receive a reference number.

Ehsas Kafalat Program For Students:

The government has announced ehsaas scholarships for students under the Kafalat program. Anyone from nursery to intermediate is eligible for the scholarship. After passing primary education, you can also get 3000 PKR as a graduation bonus. You must know that eligible families for the kafalat program can get scholarships for their children.

waseela taleem program

The eligibility criteria for the student’s scholarship are as follows:

  • Age between 4 years – 22 years.
  • Class nursery to class 12th.
  • Attendance 70% or above.
  • Good character certificate of the student.
  • Valid B-form or Cnic card holder.

To register for a scholarship, you need the following documents.

  • B-form or CNIC.
  • Admission form.

READ MORE: Bahimat buzurg program

Ehsaas for Transgenders:

Ehsaas Masawat Program is taking steps to empower transgender individuals in Pakistan. There’s still much to do to make sure they’re treated equally and can fully participate in life. Continued efforts are necessary to ensure their rights and well-being.


In summary, the Ehsaas Kafalat Program is a real game-changer in the fight against disparities in wealth and opportunities in Pakistan. Giving them financial support it’s like planting seeds for a brighter future. As it keeps growing and changing, it will probably make an even bigger difference for the people of Pakistan in the future.

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